Is the American Dream Still a reality?
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No, The US Should Not Participate in a Global Corporate Tax
In October of 2021, leaders from 136 countries, including the United States, signed onto an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development statement to endorse a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%. Rather than achieving its intended goals of leveling the...
No, But It Should Abide By the Spirit Of the Agreement And Define Its Own Policy
With multinational corporations becoming increasingly powerful, a global effort towards shaping a unified policy on corporate tax rates is vital to ensuring governments can adequately enforce such corporations’ tax obligations without severely limiting any...
Yes, the US Should Participate in a Global Corporate Tax
In June of 2021, 130 countries voted in favor of the minimum global corporate tax of 15%, which would require corporations based in every participating country to pay a 15% tax on all earnings. While this proposal was deemed controversial by some, the benefits of the...
who we are
Left-Middle-Right is an organization dedicated to offering unique and different perspective on pressing contemporary issues within our society. In an era that fake news seems to be the talk of everyday, we believe that the only way to combat it is to offer different voices about a certain issue, for every story has multiple sides.