by LMR | Feb 1, 2021 | No, Social Media Censorship
By Thomas Crean Graduate Student, Georgia State University The man who received 74 million votes for President of the United States, the second highest vote total in history, has been banned from Twitter and Facebook. In recent weeks, many have argued that social...
by LMR | Feb 1, 2021 | Social Media Censorship, Yes, However...
By Ayana Stauffer Freshman, University of Minnesota As we enter an increasingly techno-centric world, social media is unquestionably crucial for communication and connectivity. Social media provides an equal playing field to both those in power and the general public...
by LMR | Jan 31, 2021 | Social Media Censorship, Yes
By Rushabh Patel Sophomore, GW The sound of a tweet the past 4 years has invoked anxiety. A singular tweet by Former President Donald Trump had the power to cause a wildfire on social media and news networks alike. That was the unique power of Trump—his command of...